
What’s On丨黄河大集Citywalk:没有人能空手走出这里!

发布日期:2025-01-03 18:26    点击次数:156

  “买年货,赶大集”是山东人的优良传统,也是必不可少的仪式感。为什么山东人如此钟爱赶集?山东大集究竟有什么神秘力量?今天我们来到了济南仲宫大集,跟我一起去逛逛吧!  In Shandong, there is a fashion for“shopping in grand bazaars before the Chinese New Year”.This is not only a fine tradition, but also an essential sense of ritual for the people here. Why do Shandong people love going to the grand bazaars? And what mysterious power are there? Today we are here in Zhonggong Grand Bazaar in Jinan. Let's go and take a look together!  对很多山东人而言,黄河大集承载着满满的故乡情感与节庆氛围。琳琅满目的商品、此起彼伏的叫卖声、络绎不绝的人群,岁末年初的大集,不仅是一个采买年货的市场,更承载着一份沉甸甸的乡情。  For many people in Shandong, the Yellow River Grand Bazaars carry a lot of hometown sentiment and present the best festive atmosphere. The dazzling array of goods, the continuous peddling of vendors, and the crowds jostling each other......the grand bazaars held at the end of the year is no longer simply a market for buying goods, but a carrier of the sense of nostalgia.  济南仲宫大集起源于汉朝,延续至今已有两千多年的历史。每逢农历一、六为大集,三、八为小集。  Zhonggong Grand Bazaar in Jinan can be traced back to the Han Dynasty with a history of more than two thousand years. Large-scale bazaars are held on every first, sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth, and thirty-first days, while small-sized bazaars are held on the third, eighth, thirteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, and twenty-eighth days of the lunar month.  固定商户达600多家,临时商摊千余个,每天人流量达上万人。来这里摆摊的基本是自产自销的农民,各式各样的农产品新鲜又便宜。  There are more than 600 fixed merchants and over a thousand temporary stalls, with a daily flow of over ten thousand people. The vendors here are mostly farmers who sell their own agricultural products, which are fresh and cheap.  逛累了来碗现炒现卖的小米茶汤,还有热气腾腾的黄面窝窝,好不惬意!时不时“砰”的一声爆响的爆米花,更是让我们一秒回到童年。  When you get tired of shopping, you can have a bowl of freshly cooked millet tea soup or try on the steamed hot millet hard-bread rolls. What a fantastic experience! And the occasional "bang" sound of popcorn making takes us back to our childhood in an instant.  时代在变,山东大集也在跟着变。大集的变化不仅满足了人们多样化的需求,也展现了社会的进步和文化的交融。但不管年集、年货如何更新换代,年集上的那种热闹和喜庆的气氛始终未变,年集上人与人之间的互动也始终未变。山东人民热情好客、真诚慷慨的品质在大集上体现得淋漓尽致。  Times are changing, and so does the Shandong Grand Bazaars. The changes in the bazaars not only meet people's diverse needs, but also demonstrate social progress and cultural integration. But no matter how the bazaars and New Year goods are updated, the lively and festive atmosphere, as well as theinteractionsbetween people at thegrand bazaars remain unchanged. The warm and hospitable qualities of the people in Shandong are fully reflected at grand bazaars.  黄河大集规模好大,逛的我太累了,但是也超级开心!不到一百块钱就收获了满满一堆山东好品!我们买了糖人、蔬菜、年糕、芝麻糕……人间烟火处,年味正浓时,快来山东赶大集吧!  The Yellow River Grand Bazaar is so big in scale that I am exhausted from shopping, but I am also super happy! Because I’ve got a whole pile of great Shandong products by less than a hundred yuan! We’ve got sugar figurines, vegetables, rice cakes and sesame cakes. So come quickly to the Shandong Grand Bazaar and experience the trendiest New Year here!  视频:刘博洋、周溪琳  摄影:刘博洋  文案、出镜:杨晓  监制:武玮佳  策划:辛然


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